Saturday, June 7, 2008

50 lbs. My suitcase can only weigh 50 lbs!!!

I have a huge problem. My suitcase is 15 pounds over weight. What do I take out? I start with the umbrella. It is the rainy season, but I can always buy one. Next take out full size shower gel, shampoo, conditioner. Twelve ounce bottles add up fast. I will only pack travel sizes and try to estimate how much I will need for 19 days. Next clothes! I need to reduce the number of outfits. I narrow it down to basics I can wear multiple times. Black pants are in on this trip!

I stuffed more into my carry on. It is really full. That could be a problem at the airport.

Finally my suitcase is just at 50 pounds by my scales. I hope it will be ok on the airport scale.

Tomorrow is the day. Good byes will be said tonight. I leave for the airport at 2:30 a.m. We want to make sure we have plenty of time.

I am so excited and now getting a little nervous. I am heading into an unknown adventure. What experiences are ahead?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Packing, organizing, and packing some more

Finalizing details. Tomorrow tie up loose ends and organize clothes to pack. I am not nervous at all. Everything is going smoothly and I am leaving in 4 days!!!

I must think about the speech. I could write it on the airplane as my son suggested. I keep going to back to why I was asked to give the speech. I was told the selection committee was impressed with my application and felt I was the right person to represent the entire group. I am so humbled by the request. A small town teacher to represent United States educators. What a huge accomplishment in my career.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The count down begins!

Only 1 week before I leave. All the things I need to think about. How much money to take? Do the boys have copies of the medical insurance card? I need to start packing. How will I keep in touch with everyone at home? What time is it in Tokyo? Good thing I bought the alarm clock that displays time at home and the time where you are staying. It will really be important so I don't try to call in the middle of the night.

I need to start writing my speech for the welcome reception. What am I going to say? How can I represent 159 people I have never met?